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Creating an environment for healing

St Raphael's Sanctuary and healing facility is situated on a working farm in Tulbagh in the Western Cape, South Africa


Why this place? It is up against the mountain with natural beauty, birds and antelope and mountain streams. The ideal place to quiet your spirit and hear God speak. Get out of your home / work / family environment to come focus on what is important in your life. You need time and quiet to heal. 


Our families live on the farm which also will bring you close to seeing a way of life lived by us. See what it looks like to scale down into a rural community. Come interact with children and grandparents who will warm your heart. There is no shortage of love to go around here


Step into nature with mountain, streams, game, wildlife and farm animals



The farm is an actively working farm with Nguni cattle and working with natural soil regeneration, reared on grass and grain in a healthy manner. No herbicides or pesticides used.


Engrace Percheron Stud  where we work with the French draft horses and it affords an opportunity to interact with them and engage in equine therapy. The percheron breed is perfect for this: inquisitive, gentle, interactive "cold blooded" meaning they are calm and very apporachable, a important attribute for people who are fearful of getting close to an animal of this size! A memorable experience awaits


There are Rhodesian Ridgebacks the original "Lion dog of Africa" , part of Engrace Rhodesian Ridgeback, bred on the farm.


Wild birds, such as the Blue Crane (South African National bird), Egyptian Goose, Spur-winged GooseMoorhen, African Black Duck, Spoonbill, Cormorants, Darters, Hadida, African Hoopoe, Greater-striped Swallow, Swifts, Fiery-necked Nightjar, Familial Chat, Cape Robin-chat, and many more 


Raptors: African Fish Eagle, Jackal Buzzard, Cape Eagle Owl, Cape Spotted Owl,Yellow-billed Kite, Gymnogene, Pale Goshawk, Black-shouldered Kite, Steppe Buzzard, Secretary bird


Game: Red Duiker, "near-threatened" Grey Rhebok, Mongoose, Porcupine, Cape Fox, Slender (Black-tipped) Mongoose, Baboons, Civet, Caracal, Cape Leopard (up in the mountains but very rarely seen)





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Tulbagh, 6820, South Africa

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